Hjälp Jah Stitch!

"I have just heard that Jah Stitch, foundation deejay and selector for Youth Promotion, spent three weeks in the hospital and is going back in for a heart operation. In addition, he had to take blood pressure medication which is very expensive for someone unemployed who is trying to live off almost non existent royalties and performance rights payments. To help him out, I have set up a paypal account to collect donations. All the money donated will go towards Stitch's health expenses and if there is any leftover, it will go to support a 'soup kitchen' in Kingston that feeds artists foundation including Stitch. the paypal email is [email protected]

As the foundation artists grow older, this sort of thing is going to become more common. The organizations in Jamaica don't seem to be addressing the issue. So, I really don’t know what else I can do, except this. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know."

Detta är saxat från blood and fire och jag skulle sätta en slant på att det är säkert att sätta in pengar. Paypalkontot administreras av Beth Lesser och det känns inte som att hon skulle försöka skinna folk på pengar. Så har ni en slant över tycker jag ni ska sätta in den där!

Vet ni inte vem Jah Stitch är rekomenderar jag varm skivan "Original raggamuffin" vilken jag kommer knåpa ihop en recension om inom en snar framtid.



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